Sunday, October 31, 2021

Tell Your Story - Pastor Ekpenyong


John 4:29tpt “Come and meet a man at the well who told me everything I’ve ever done! He could be the One we’ve been waiting for.” 

Everybody has a story and you’ll be amazed at how the dots connect with hindsight.

We all wish to have perfect stories because of our desire to present the best version of ourselves. However, people don’t believe perfect stories because they know their imperfections are more real to them than anything else.

Therefore, be willing to tell your story as it is; because people will connect with your honest narrative than with a larger than life make-belief.

The context of our opening scripture is the Samaritan woman who came into the city where she was a loner and used to being abandoned; she rushed to tell her fellow Samaritans about a Man Who told her everything about her life which was obviously unhappy. The whole city came to Jesus because of her story.

Never underestimate the power of YOUR story. The courage it takes to share your story might be the very thing someone else needs to open their heart to hope.

Many people are ashamed to tell their stories because of the impression people will have of them afterwards but you’ll be surprised at how God uses your story to draw people to Himself and they’ll even have deeper revelations of the Father’s love for them.

Use your story as a bridge and currency to make great connections and transactions for the advancement of the kingdom.


Acts 26:4-19
Genesis 24:33MSG
Galatians 1:13-24


Sunday, October 24, 2021

💯% Guaranteed - Pastor Ekpenyong

2 Samuel 22:31GW “God's way is perfect! The promise of the Lord has proven to be true. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.

One of the most beautiful experiences of the Christian life is when one receives the end of his faith and this is because another opportunity has just lined up with the veracity and unchangeablensess of God’s word.

Time and time again, the promise of the Lord is proven to be true; but this is more so because of the character of the One that made the promise than the promise in itself.

He is described as Faithful and The True Witness because when He utters a word, that word has inherent ability to produce or do what it talks about. Halleluyah!

So don't be discouraged by what might be happening right now in your life. It's not permanent. It's all subject to change.

Having done all to stand, choose to stand on the word.

The word of the Lord is tried, tested, reliable and when a person chooses to stand on that word, he can be sure that the word will produce NOT some of the time but ALL of the time and that is a 💯% guarantee. 


Revelation 3:14
2Corinthians 4:18
Psalm 12:6



Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rise Above Your Difficulties - Pastor Ekpenyong


Romans 8:37amp “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].”

Who you are, everything you will ever become, have and do is because of God’s love in you and for you. Halleluyah!

This thought should always propel you to think big, expect big, pray big and act big. Refuse to be overwhelmed by the difficulties around you; rather see yourself as God’s child who He so loves and has given overwhelming victory.

As you develop big attitudes, you can then look down upon your difficulties seeing them in true perspective and more importantly that you are big enough to live with them until they pass.

Those who rise over their difficulties always know that to surmount their difficulties they must have big dreams, think big and have faith in our Big God.

Another crucial factor in overcoming difficulties is to believe that God is faithful and has made a way for you in the midst of those difficulties. Look at difficulties as God-given opportunities for you to rise and shine and you’ll begin to see the bright side in every difficulty.

Against the framework of your difficulties today, God will cause you to shine and bring praise to His name. Glory!

1 Corinthians 10:13
1 John 5:4
Isaiah 60:1-3


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Check Your Closet - Pastor Modupe


Philemon 1:6 AMPC “[And I pray] that the participation in and sharing of your faith may produce and promote full recognition and appreciation and understanding and precise knowledge of every good [thing] that is ours in [our identification with] Christ Jesus [and unto His glory].”

Sometime ago, my husband complained of not having enough T-shirts to wear indoors; so I took time to look through the closet and brought out 7 T-shirts, he was surprised and thankful.

This can be likened to our walk of faith. A number of times we feel we do not have the capacity to do certain things or that we do not know the right scripture to declare in a particular situation but that’s not always the case.

Everything we need has been deposited in our heart, however, as life happens it seems we forget them. What happened to my husband was that he rarely goes through the closet, he does not wash or organize the closet himself because of his busy schedule so he picks the easiest to find even if it is right from the dryer.

When life’s circumstances push you to a corner, it’s the word that is in your consciousness that you’d easily recall; this is why we need to consistently take inventory of every good thing that is in us in Christ.

How, you may ask; by not treating God’s word to us as common. God’s word is living; there is no such thing like I know it, or I’ve read it before when it comes to spiritual knowledge. 

We need to keep reading, listening and meditating; this is how we keep rhema at arm’s reach and walk in victory all the days of our lives. 


Ephesians 1:3
2 Peter 1:3
1 Timothy 4:15


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Valid For All Time - Pastor Ekpenyong

Numbers 25:11-12GNT “Because of what Phinehas has done, I am no longer angry with the people of Israel. He refused to tolerate the worship of any god but me, and that is why I did not destroy them in my anger. So tell him that I am making a covenant with him that is valid for all time to come.”

The effect of Phinehas’ actions in honour of God deflected His anger from destroying the children of Israel, and brought him and his generation into a perpetual covenant of peace.

This covenant is an irrevocable, unconditional promise to generations that secures their wellbeing forever. Halleluyah!

Our Lord Jesus has appeased the wrath of God from humanity so that we have been brought into this covenant of peace and brought into the priesthood showing forth His praise.

Another word that aptly captures the Hebrew rendering for peace is completeness, so you can say it is a covenant of completeness. God’s work will be complete in every area of your life. That’s something to rejoice about for there will be nothing left unattended and incomplete in your life.

There is no reason to walk in fear all the days of your life even in the midst of contrary evidences for you are the product of our Lord Jesus’ honour and faithfulness to the Father. 


Numbers 25:10-13
Isaiah 54:10
Romans 5:1


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...