Sunday, April 24, 2022

Champion A Righteous Cause - Pastor Ekpenyong

Matthew 28:12-13TLB “A meeting of all the Jewish leaders was called, and it was decided to bribe the police to say they had all been asleep when Jesus' disciples came during the night and stole his body.”

The great conspiracy through the ages has been to play down on the greatest event in all of human history, which is the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The soldiers at the tomb were given large money to allege that the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body and the propaganda goes on.

A large section of the media is controlled by a few who do not know God and are churning out humanist filled content aimed at disparaging the work of our Lord and Christ, no wonder the church and the values we uphold have been the laughing stock of all and sundry.

Today, for us to consciously put history in its place and raise our victory banner in its pride of place until every tongue confesses the lordship of Jesus; we must become people who pledge to match the world dollar for dollar because we are willing to yield our money and platforms to God for the advancement of the kingdom.

Become a money missionary and be a champion of Kingdom advancement.


Matthew 28:12-15
Psalm 35:27
Zechariah 1:17


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Between The First Adam And The Second And Last Adam - Pastor Ekpenyong

Romans 5:15 Weymouth “But God's free gift immeasurably outweighs the transgression. For if through the transgression of the one individual the mass of mankind have died, infinitely greater is the generosity with which God's grace, and the gift given in His grace which found expression in the one man Jesus Christ, have been bestowed on the mass of mankind.”

It takes a revelation of the activity and consequence of the fall of the 1st Adam to truly understand the import of the obedience and gift of righteousness of the 2nd & Last Adam.

Condemnation and separation from God came into the world because of the disobedience of the 1st Adam.

No other sinful act no matter how sordid or debasing was of greater consequence than that first act of treason from the 1st Adam which brought sin into the world.

In order words, it cant be worse than what it already was.

It is only human nature that grades acts of sin from bizarre to acceptable. Before God, they are all fruits of the FALL.

It is in the same vein and of even greater consequence that the obedience of the 2nd and Last Adam, Jesus Christ has brought righteousness and justification to the world.

The Adam you choose to identify with determines your reality.

For the New Creation who is one with Christ and bears His identity, there’s no separation with the Father inspite of how you feel at any given moment.

You are loved, accepted and BLESSED.


Romans 5:12-21
1Corinthians 15:22-23
2Corinthians 5:21


Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Discovery Path - Pastor Ekpenyong

Hebrews 2:14-15AMP
Since, therefore, [these His] children share in flesh and blood [in the physical nature of human beings], He [Himself] in a similar manner partook of the same [nature], that by [going through] death He might bring to nought and make of no effect him who had the power of death — that is, the devil —  And also that He might deliver and completely set free all those who through the [haunting] fear of death were held in bondage throughout the whole course of their lives. 

The reality of the finished works of Christ is yet to dawn in the hearts of believers as it ought.

Many are still yearning for freedom from satan and his works whereas, he has been brought to naught and made of no effect by the substitutionary work of our LORD Jesus Christ.

For as long as the believer believes the lie of the devil who is the father of lies and deception, that is how long he willl remain under servitude and bondage.

It is important to note that every lie of the devil believed is because of ignorance of the finished works.

One might wonder how that ignorance of the finished works can keep someone in bondage. When they're all aware that He died for our sin and was raised for our justification.

What anyone on the path of discovery will tell you is that, the more you receive revelation knowledge, the more you'll find that ignorance is not just the lack of awareness but the lack of persuasion which is a product of conviction in the truth.

Dr Oyedepo is quoted as saying "there's no mountain anywhere, every man's ignorance is his mountain."

Take time in the study and meditation of the word, read sound books and listen to the teaching and preaching of the word. For this is how we grow in our convictions and hence make this our reality.


1 Timothy 4:13-16
Daniel 9:2
Acts 20:32


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Use Your Weapons - Pastor Ekpenyong

 2 Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.”

A lot of Christians are not convinced that their spiritual weapons are effective against satan and their unpleasant circumstances.

This is the reason you find them running from pillar to post looking for solutions in false and ungodly places.

Our weapons of warfare are mighty and effective through God i.e. through God they are amplified, made strong and become mighty to tear down strong holds.

The word of God in your mouth and the mention of the name of Jesus are so powerful that you would see such dramatic changes when you use them.

The devil has been on the prowl trying to get you to lose confidence in the name of Jesus and in the word of God. But be reassured today that these weapons are so mighty; rise up in the authority of the name of Jesus using the weapons you have in God for that’s the only way you will satisfy yourself that what we are saying to you is true.


Mark 4:13-20
Acts 3:1-10
Matthew 8:16


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...