Saturday, April 29, 2023

Enjoy What You Do - Pastor Ekpenyong

Pro.22:29 TPT
If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won’t be held back — you’ll stand before kings!

It is impossible to succeed at something you do not enjoy.

Some people will tell you that they are just patching with the job at hand whilst not realizing that they are unawares wasting away their golden lives and opportunities.

This is because the activity that absorbs a major portion of our lives is our jobs.

The secret to satisfaction and fulfillment in our work is not doing what one likes, but liking what one does.

God created man to fellowship and to work. Work being our great platform to display the effect of the rub-off from His presence that is cultivated in fellowship.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If a man is called to be a sweeper, he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well so that all the host of heaven and earth will pause and say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

Realise that through your work, you are leaving your imprints. So that those who come by will see the quality of your personality and values you uphold.

As you heartily do your job, unbelievable and prolific access is granted you.

Do your work heartily as if God is watching, because He is!


2 Thessalonians 3:10
Ephesians 6:5-8
Ecclesiatis 8:9


Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Work Of Rhema - Pastor Ekpenyong

Matthew 4:4TPT 
He answered, “The Scriptures say: Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word, which constantly goes forth from God’s mouth.”

Rhema is an inspired Word birthed within your own spirit, a whisper from the Holy Spirit like the still, small voice that spoke to Elijah in the cave.

Rhema is a broad term that includes many types of spiritual interaction; any method God uses to reveal His specific will to an individual, whether by divinely directed desire, illumination, revelation, vision, or dream.

It is a divinely inspired impression upon your soul, a flash of thought or a creative idea from God. It is conceived in your spirit, but birthed into your natural understanding by divine illumination.

A true rhema carries with it a deep inner assurance and witness of the Spirit.

God is using His rhema to do His work, and He desires to speak to us.

Therefore, if our purpose in reading the Scriptures is solely for knowledge, it is indeed pitiful. For the written code kills, but it is the Spirit that gives life.

It is with rhema that we can actively win and gain mastery in our affairs.

Therefore, God works with rhema in our lives to ignite our faith and we work with rhema in working out the victory we have received.


Acts 10:22
1Kings 19:12
2 Corinthians 3:6


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Deepen Your Conviction - Pastor Ekpenyong

Hebrews 2:14-15TPT
14 Since all his “children” have flesh and blood, so Jesus became human to fully identify with us. He did this, so that he could experience death and annihilate the effects of the intimidating accuser who holds against us the power of death.
15 By embracing death Jesus sets free those who live their entire lives in bondage to the tormenting dread of death.

The reality of the finished works of Christ is yet to dawn in the hearts of believers as it ought.

Many are still yearning for freedom from satan and his works whereas, he has been brought to naught and made of no effect by the substitutionary work of our LORD Jesus Christ.

For as long as the believer, believes the lie of the devil who is the father of lies and deception, that’s how long he’ll remain under servitude and bondage.

It is important to note that every lie of the devil believed is because of ignorance of the finished works.

One might wonder how that ignorance of the finished works can keep someone in bondage. When we're all aware that He died for our sin and was raised for our justification.

What anyone on the path of discovery will tell you is that, the more you receive revelation knowledge, the more you'll find that ignorance is not just the lack of awareness but the lack of persuasion which is a product of conviction in the truth.

Take time in the study and meditation of the word, read sound books and listen to the teaching and preaching of the word. For this is how we grow and deepen our convictions and hence make this our reality.


1Timothy 4:13-16
Daniel 9:2
Acts 20:32


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Jesus Our Overpayment - Pastor Ekpenyong

Romans 5:15 TPT “Now, there is no comparison between Adam’s transgression and the gracious gift that we experience. For the magnitude of the gift far outweighs the crime. It’s true that many died because of one man’s transgression, but how much greater will God’s grace and his gracious gift of acceptance overflow to many because of what one Man, Jesus, the Messiah, did for us!”

It takes a revelation of the activity and consequence of the fall of Adam to truly understand the import of the obedience and gift of righteousness of our LORD and Saviour Jesus the Christ.

Condemnation and separation from God came into the world because of the disobedience of Adam.

No other sinful act no matter how sordid or debasing was of greater consequence than that first act of treason from Adam which brought sin into the world.

In order words, it cant be worse than what it already was.

It is only human nature that grades acts of sin from bizarre to acceptable. Before God, they are all fruits of the FALL.

It is in the same vein and of even greater consequence that the obedience of our LORD Jesus who is the second and last Adam, brought righteousness and justification to the world.

He became an excess payment, because the magnitude of His sacrifice and gift was in excess and far outweighed the penalty and consequence of sin.

The Adam you choose to identify with determines your reality.

For the New Creation who is one with Christ and bears His identity, there’s no separation with the Father inspite of how you feel at any given moment.

You are loved, accepted and BLESSED.


Romans 5:12-21,
1Corinthians 15:22-23
2Corinthians 5:21


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sanctified Imagination - Pastor Ekpenyong

2 Corinthians 5:7msg “It's what we trust in but don't yet see that keeps us going.”

Imagination is the ability to see something with our minds that we cannot see with our physical eyes.

Most of us don’t realize how much we use our imagination; you really could never function without it.

You can’t see anything happen or do anything without your imagination.

However, for the most, their imagination is wild and vain; this is one reason it behooves of you to renew your mind, just as you train an animal brought from the wild.

As a believer, your imagination should paint such a real picture that you live by what the Word says more than you live by what you can see with your physical eyes. Halleluyah!

You need to meditate on the word of God until you can see yourself the way God sees you and doing the things He said you can and should do. 

You are dethroning those thoughts that are not consistent with your recreated status in Christ.

Stop limiting God and yourself by engaging your imagination in the right and positive way. 


Romans 1:21
Hebrews 9:14
2Corinthians 10:5


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...