Luke 1:17TPT
He will go before the Lord as a forerunner, with the same power and anointing as Elijah the prophet. He will be instrumental in turning the hearts of the fathers in tenderness back to their children and the hearts of the disobedient back to the wisdom of their righteous fathers. And he will prepare a united people who are ready for the Lord’s appearing.”
The mandate of Heaven upon us as a generation of believers is to make ready a people whose hearts have been turned to one another.
We will turn the hearts of fathers to their children because there must be a transfer of batons from one generation to the next; the transfer of the revelations of God; their experiences and testimonies.
We are in the season of the greatest spiritual awakenings in the history of mankind. Halleluyah!
I thank God that we are a part of this great move.
Families will be united in Christ and we will see whole communities, cities and nations saved.
The love of God flowing in our hearts like liquid fire is causing divisions to be cemented in such a way that there'll be no questioning or suspicion of intentions or sincerity.
The unpersuadable will be converted into the wisdom of the way of life of the righteous.
Never in the history of mankind has there been such a massive movement of the BLESSING and literal fulfillment of the Word of God.
All this will come to pass instead of a curse upon the earth.
Malachi 4:5-6
Isaiah 40:3-5
Romans 5:5