Sunday, January 28, 2024
Find Out For Yourself - Pastor Ekpenyong
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Words As Good As Harvest - Pastor Ekpenyong
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Living Life Well - Pastor Ekpenyong
Many despise their "ordinary" life because they're waiting for something spectacular, not realising that it is in hindsight that life looks spectacular.
When you're taking baby steps laced with falling and rising, you may be so ashamed, discouraged and feel like giving up.
However, after you've gained mastery, which of course comes by practice; your "ordinary" days now look spectacular to observers.
Let gratitude fill your heart for what you're becoming rather than being envious of someone else's "spectacular" life.
Your best days are ahead of you.
You're loved and BLESSED!
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The Secret To Answered Prayers - Pastor Ekpenyong
1Peter 3:12
2Corinthians 4:13
2Corinthians 1:19-20
Monday, January 8, 2024
Compassion To The Hurting - Pastor Ekpenyong
First and foremost, people are people, so they should not be treated merely like numbers, objects, or components to get things done.
Each person has a story that needs to be heard and needs that need to be met.
With the gift of compassion you help others never to forget that people are not merely consumers, employees, prospects, investors, subscribers, etc.
We have no way of knowing when our privilege to extend a helping hand will unfold before us. Therefore, it pays to be prepared before hand.
Compassion is not a simple caring about others, but such a radical caring that we have no choice but to make sacrifices for others.
However, it helps to remember that everyone who acts badly is hurting in some way. This way, you find that compassion softens your heart towards others - particularly those who hurt you.
Choose to be God's hand and love extended to everyone around from the unlovely to the least of all.
You are loved and BLESSED!
Trusting God - Pastor Ekpenyong
When will you start living in peace and enjoying your life?
You can't be living upset about things you can't do anything about, and living in continual feelings of guilt and condemnation much of the time.
There's something trusting God does for you; it removes the power of control from external circumstances and other people.
Trusting God is simply believing that He is good and loves you, He has the power to help you, and He wants to help you. (Pro.3:5-6).
You'll be shielded from lots of emotional rollercoaster as the world around changes because you know that it won't harm you. (John 16:33).
Life is simple and peaceful when we come to God like little children and say, “God, I don’t want to live on my own. I want to trust You. When I don’t know what to do, I’ll trust You. When I don’t understand why, I’ll trust You. I’ll do my part with Your help, and when I’m done, I’ll trust You to do the rest.”
You are loved and BLESSED!
All Things Are Possible - Pastor Ekpenyong
Mark 9:23tpt Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”
“All things” is an all-inclusive word that throws off all limitations and sets an unrestrained or unhindered access for anything to happen to a person who believes.
"Possible" is used to depict the strength of a whole army.
Thus, when a person believes, it opens the door for power, it is like the full force of an entire army that is moved to operate on your behalf.
How would you like the full force of an army to be at your disposal? That’s what happens when you believe!
For the believing one, anything and everything is possible!
If you are believing right now, you are in a position for the ability of God to move against your problem and bring you the result you seek.
How do you work on your believing?
You work on your believing by persuading yourself with the truth; till you get to the point where the impossible becomes logical. (Heb.11:6).
If you are in faith and staying in faith, it’s only a matter of time until things will begin to change.
As we make that rock-solid commitment to keep working on our believing, we’ll begin to experience the truth that anything really is possible to the one who believes.
You are loved and BLESSED!
Valuing Your Words - Pastor Ekpenyong
Is it possible to trust a person who you don't take seriously?
A man is as good as his word.
Therefore, you can't claim to trust a person whose word you can't bank on.
Infact, simply put in a manner you can relate with, faith is taking God seriously.
A bad habit that many believers have is that of taking God's Word lightly and theirs as well.
Do you know that trust starts from you? Yes you valuing your own words.
Many have not realised that the more premium they place on their words; the more they'll trust God not to break His.
1. Cut out useless words from every part of your speech. (James 1:26).
2. Keep your words. (Rom.3:4msg)
We love you and call you BLESSED!
Acceptance, Acknowledgement and Appreciation - Pastor Ekpenyong
A lack of self-acceptance can hold you back in every area of your life. It affects your confidence and can prevent you from reaching your full potential.
People with high self-acceptance are more resilient to criticism and recognise that their value goes beyond personal attributes and actions.
When you consider what you have and cultivate deep gratitude for it, you'll be amazed at the possibilities open to you. (Philemon 6).
There is the acknowledgement of "such as I have" that strangles the envy and bitter bone in you, such that in magnifying it, you'll be happiest for your lot. (Acts 3:6).
While you may still be further away from the life of your dream, it is important to realise that the acceptance, acknowledgement and appreciation for your process and journey will add winds to your sail.
We love you and call you BLESSED!
The Power of Choice - Pastor Ekpenyong
All of us experience hardships and difficult situations at some point. It is an unavoidable part of life. (2Tim.2:3).
How we react to these setbacks is what dictates exactly how much and how long we suffer.
Our chosen response - yes you have a choice, also affects whether we overcome a bad situation or yield to it. (John 16:33amp).
Since we have options, it actually is possible to turn a bad situation around and turn it into a good one. (Hosea 2:15).
It has been said that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. The truth is that all of us have choices.
We can dwell and focus on a bad situation, or we can transform it into something positive and uplifting.
In other words, we may not be able to avoid pain, but we can eliminate the suffering associated with it. This profound wisdom can free us from unnecessary self-inflicted torment.
No matter how bad a situation is, we can always turn it into a good one. We can choose what we want to focus on and that is powerful and enabling.
The world is full of inspiring examples of people who turned negative situations into good ones.
They never gave up and viewed their bad predicaments as temporary setbacks. They realized the power of choice.
Utilizing the power of choice in a challenge is what births creativity.
We call you loved and BLESSED!
Demands of Relationships - Pastor Ekpenyong
Why is relationship a responsibility? It is because, every relationship places on you a demand to respond to your innate abilities.
Whether you will respond appropriately is another thing. However, most times people struggle because of a need for self preservation.
This happens to us all and exerts on us in ways we may not be willing to yield.
However, taking ownership and responsibility for your actions, words and behaviour is an important part of healthy relationships.
Doing so is an empowering reminder that you have control over the role you play in your relationship.
In acknowledging and owning up to mistakes, being honest and transparent, and actively working to address and resolve issues that arise, you're creating trust and dependability.
You're loved and BLESSED!
Focus - Pastor Ekpenyong
I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however, I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. (Phil.3:13tpt).
Who has never had a setback?
Where are those who refuse to be beset by setbacks?
Most people are so bugged down by setbacks that they have refused to bounce back.
It is not uncommon to be disappointed by the occurrences of setbacks however, make a resolve not to sulk or be kept down by these unpleasant occurrences.
Setbacks are distractions and indulging them won’t allow you to get the traction you need to move forward.
The way you look at what you’ve been through matters far more than what you’ve actually endured. Selah!
Your perspective on any given situation is far more important and impactful than what you went through - this is the marked difference between those who move forward and those who remain stuck.
The resilient person understands that reinforcing doubts and negative or limiting thoughts is a vicious cycle that’s prohibitive to growth.
In other words, reframing a given situation to look for lessons and learning opportunities sets you up for success as opposed to establishing you in the pain and regrets of the past.
Reframing requires us to examine our assumptions, beliefs, and values; to emotionally adjust our attitudes and harness our feelings; and to cultivate new daily habits and routines. It isn't an easy process. It is a life-changing process - this my friend is the key to thriving inspite of what life throws at you.
Intentionally cultivate gratitude as this helps you gain right perspective and deep respect for the process in your journey to conforming into the image of Christ - where you live more fully, laugh more deeply, and love more authentically.
You're loved and BLESSED!
Opportunities To Be Faithful - Pastor Ekpenyong
Opportunities to be be faithful come across sometimes in a way that we don't like.
It kind of has an unpleasant, unimportant, even belittling feeling to us.
We see it as a low position, perhaps something that you do if you can't do anything else, but Jesus said it is actually the greatest thing of all.
"He that is the greatest is the servant of all".
Does it mean you have to do menial things to fit into the profile of a servant? The answer is a big NO.
I believe that no matter what we're doing, that if we do it with the attitude of being a servant that that's what God's talking about.
The labour required to cultivate this grace can feel unequal to the rewards it offers. Many of us are tempted to forsake the pursuit of it in search of nobler successes or achievements.
A faithful person is reliable, dependable, trustworthy. They give their word to what matters, and then they live as if that word has weight.
A faithful man is as valuable and yet as inconspicuous as a beating heart.
Faithfulness will grow in the same place where the Spirit so often cultivates His fruit: in responsibilities and tasks that feel small, unimportant, ordinary. In other words, in little things.
Our faithfulness here, even in little, is no little matter. In the unremarkable moments of life, God is shaping fickle sons into the image of His Faithful Christ.
You're loved and BLESSED!
Performance Vs Existence - Pastor Ekpenyong
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10NIV "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."
Too often we don’t take encouragement as seriously as we should.
However, we love it when someone tells us that what we said or did made a difference in their lives.
Do you know that one way to live and operate at your highest potential is by receiving a steady dose of encouragement?
Imagine what that would mean in your community if encouraging eachother becomes a regular feature.
That’s why the enemy constantly works to isolate us, deceive us, and discourage us. He wants to take our courage and subtract from what God is doing in our lives.
I’ve seen people get so down and discouraged that they can’t even think straight, let alone stand against the enemy.
You know those times when the enemy has gotten in and is living rent free in your mind. He tells you that you’re not good enough, you can’t do it, you’ll never get well, and you may as well quit trying. However, when you have people around you who stand with you and encourage you and lift you, you will rise up and defeat the enemy together.
Because of this, encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another, just as you have already been doing. (1Thess.5:11TPT).
The word, the note, the look that says, "I am with you. I care about you. You will survive. You can do it!" We cannot measure how many significant historical advances have been made because another “someone” was behind the achiever encouraging them.
Ask God to give you someone today to encourage in a meaningful way. Your positive words can bring light into dark situations and refresh spirits to withstand the storms of life.
You're loved and BLESSED!
Developing A Great Attitude - Pastor Ekpenyong
My daughter asked me a question one night I accompanied her to their room after she had come to ours in the course of the night that she couldn't sleep "why is it that I feel safe when you are here?"
My response got me thinking because that is the defining character of a great attitude - you are loved.
Studies show that your attitude can have a greater impact on your success, than your IQ. You can be extremely talented, have incredible potential, but if you don't have the right attitude it will keep you from rising higher.
It's important to look good, to develop your skills, to get an education, but it's even more important to develop a good attitude. Nobody wants to be around a sour, critical and condescending person.
Attitude is simply how you see things; yourself, others and the world. Having the right perspective is predicated on right positioning.
When you realize that you are loved and therefore not needing to do anything to earn it, you are able to function from rest.
The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not on our circumstances. We can either let bad situations control us or we can allow ourselves to learn and grow from them.
1. Believe you are LOVED
"I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts."John 15:9tpt
2. Surround yourself with people of great attitude.
Luke 5:18-20
3. Train yourself to see good around you.
"In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable".Philippians 4:8GNB
You're loved and BLESSED!
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Grow In Persuasion - Pastor Ekpenyong
Many are still yearning for freedom from satan and his works whereas, he has been brought to naught and made of no effect by the substitutionary work of our LORD Jesus Christ.
For as long as the believer, believes the lie of the devil who is the father of lies and deception, that’s how long he’ll remain under servitude and bondage.
It is important to note that every lie of the devil believed is because of ignorance of the finished works.
One might wonder how that ignorance of the finished works can keep someone in bondage. When they're all aware that He died for our sin and was raised for our justification.
What anyone on the path of discovery will tell you is that, the more you receive revelation knowledge, the more you'll find that ignorance is not just the lack of awareness but the lack of persuasion which is a product of conviction in the truth.
Take time in the study and meditation of the word, read sound books and listen to the teaching and preaching of the word. For this is how we grow in our convictions and hence make this our reality.
A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong
Psalms 27:3 MSG "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...
Ephesians 4:29 MSG "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift....
Psalms 27:3 MSG "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...
Galatians 6:15-16CEV It doesn't matter if you are circumcised or not. All that matters is that you are a new person. If you follow this ...