Sunday, July 21, 2024

A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG 
"When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool."

GNB "Even if a whole army surrounds me, I will not be afraid; even if enemies attack me, I will still trust God."

Your mind gets renewed daily as you meditate and do the word. You come to the point where your mind cannot be changed about Father God’s nature and character.

Trust is built on the verity of a person’s nature and character and this is what you can hang on in the day of adversity because you may be so overwhelmed that you don’t even remember the promises.

However, when your focus is on God and His character, the greatness of His love will swallow up the challenge before you.

You have gained the true standpoint when your mind cannot be changed about Father God’s love.

His peace keeps you in the continuous state of never being disturbed in the face of challenging and contrary situations.

With perfect peace, you are protected and rightly positioned to face any situation with assurance and victory.


Psalm 27:1-3
Isaiah 54:10
John 14:27amp


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Our Heritage of Faith - Pastor Ekpenyong

2 Corinthians 4:13MSG 
"We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, "I believed it, so I said it," we say what we believe."

Our common heritage in Christ is one of the greatest thrills we find in God’s word. We see how that the heritage is common to us all.

Our text shows us that we all have the same spirit of faith implying that the great exploits we have seen demonstrated both in the scriptures and in contemporary history can be our everyday experience because we all have the same spirit of faith. Halleluyah!

Our Father is the Spirit of faith and is a speaking Spirit. The creation story in Genesis attests to this, we also see how He speaks of the future as with much certainty as though they were past.

For you to maximize the spirit of faith at work in you, you must speak what you believe.

There's no accident to the child of God, because everything that happens in your life is on plan.

You must see life from the spiritual because playing on this sense ruled realm will mess you up if you don't.

The missing ingredient in the faith walk of quite a number of Christians is the inconsistency of speech.

Commit to speaking what you believe and create the world of your dreams.


Romans 4:17
2 Corinthians 4:6 
Psalm 116:10


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Gratitude Changes Everything - Pastor Ekpenyong

Luke 17:17NCV
“Jesus spoke up, “There were ten who were healed; where are the other nine?.”

The more you are growing in Christ, the more thankful you will be. The more thankful you are, the more trusting you will be.

The more trusting you are, the more at peace you will be. The more at peace you are, the greater the flow of His grace and glory in your life.

The context of our opening text is the story of the ten lepers who were all cleansed on their way to see the priest at Jesus’ command.

However, only one returned to say thank you. The implication of cutting his trip to get the priest’s proclamation was that he risked not being integrated back into the society. It was a statement of trust in the One who started the whole process to make good what He began.

‘Thank you’ is a polite way of accepting what has been offered as good and fitting. Of the ten lepers, only one was totally restored to wholeness because of His trust. Those who acknowledge that which God has done in their lives even though not yet tangible are bound to see the full manifestations.


Luke 17:12-19
Colossians 1:13
Leviticus 14:1-11


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...