Eph.1:19Wuest "[The eyes of your heart being in an enlightened state with a view to your knowing] what is the superabounding greatness of His inherent power to us who are believing ones as measured by the operative energy of the manifested strength of His might."
The desire of the Spirit is that we come into an experiential knowledge of the power of God that is resident and at work in us. This is the same power that was at work in the raising of our LORD Jesus from the dead.
There is something you need to know; prior to the resurrection, this power was not resident in mortal man because mortality cannot contain it nor can he bear the weight.
Prophets of old could only invoke this power to handle issues and difficulties in the lives of people and not even at will. This accounts for the great acts displayed in the Old Testament until the death, burial and resurrection of our LORD.
This power is today resident in our recreated human spirit and we can deplore it to any area of our lives and work as well as the lives of others who have not come into this experience. Halleluyah!
Activate this power by praying in tongues and deplore it by the words of your mouth and works of your hands. Glory!
Check: Eph.1:17-23, Eph.6:10, Col.1:29
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