2Cor. 10:4 Weymouth "The weapons with which we fight are not human weapons, but are mighty for God in overthrowing strong fortresses."
We usually weigh what we can do by what we have at our disposal and the confidence to face a task is predicated by the level of preparation and quality of tools we have in our kitty.
What tools do you have to fulfill a divine assignment such as saving an entire nation?
For every divine assignment, what you have as tools will never be enough, matter-of-fact speaking. However, God our Father would never ask for more than you already have per moment.
Scriptures are replete with examples of people who did incredible things with 'ridiculous' tools.
- David killing a giant with a stone.
- Debt paid and lives sustained from a little jar of oil.
- Samson killing 1000-armed soldiers with a slippery jaw-bone.
- Jesus feeding 5000 men with a little boy's lunch; etc.
As you go about fulfilling destiny, realise that what you require is at your disposal. Do not despise your tools even though your confidence is in the LORD who inspires you to deplore those tools because by them you will do exploits. Glory!
Check: Dan.11:32, 2Chron.32:7-8, Phil.3:3
Praise God!