Isaiah 1:19TLB "If you will only let Me help you, if you will only obey, then I will make you rich."
Do you act as if the word of God were real? Do you tell anyone that it is real? It is important that we ask these questions so that you will not be at variance with these truths for they are not for the weak hearted.
When the challenges of life stare a man in the face eyeball to eyeball, except he is adequately spiritually educated there is a great chance that he will condescend and opt for less than God's best because of the austere incongruities.
Our opening text tells us you can eat the best from the land you're located if you will receive His Help and do as you're told.
It doesn't even stop at that, there is an update on this conversation in Philippians 2:13TLB "For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey Him, and then helping you do what He wants." Halleluyah!
Can it get any better than this, I guess not! You can as well just go ahead and praise God because you are eating the best of this land for He has perfected all the requirements in you.
Allow the Holy Spirit to make up for the weakness of your personality by responding to His promptings and leadings and you are guaranteed the best of the land. Glory!
Check: Deut.8:18, 2Cor.1:20-22, 2Cor.9:8amp
Glory to God!