Sunday, November 29, 2020

Aroma Of True Christian Compassion - Pastor Ekpenyong

Heb.13:3GNT “Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them. Remember those who are suffering, as though you were suffering as they are.”

The hustle and bustle of a cosmopolitan city as ours could make a person so consumed by his or her needs, expectations and desires that the believer could become a victim of these pressures and forget that we are here as ambassadors of Christ.

We are duty bound to remember our brethren in hostile and not so pleasant climes where their liberties as Christians have been jeopardized and contravened.

The remembrance of those in the prisons and those suffering must be so constant, so burdensome as to make you act. This is indeed the aroma of true Christian compassion.

Become one who is moved by the plight of others to do something to bring relief and comfort; starting from intercession, visits, advocacy to giving relief and defending their cause.

Holding this thought will be such a great motivation in carrying out this divine instruction as we affect and transform our communities with the love of Christ. “As though you were in prison with them” will mean you do for them as you would wish it was done for you if you were in such a position. Glory!

Psalm 82:1-4
1Kings 18:3-13


Saturday, November 21, 2020

You Are Never Forgotten - Pastor Ekpenyong

Isaiah 49:15-16 CEV 
“The Lord answered, “Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. A picture of your city is drawn on my hand. You are always in my thoughts!”

Have you ever wondered if God had forgotten you especially because of a nagging and reoccurring condition? No wonder you hear people pray, “Oh God remember me.”

Well the goodnews is God has never had a cause to forget you or needed someone to remind Him about you. He knows your name, your location, your history, your condition and every minute detail of your life.

It therefore means that God has a plan and purpose for your life and every detail is being worked out as you follow Him.

Don’t let your life be ruled by circumstances rather let it be ruled and regulated by the word; and the word says “He is always thinking about you.”

Refuse to accept the lie of the devil that God has abandoned you to fate; He is working out all things together for your good and as such, you have to trust Him.

Your best days are here inspite of what your previous experiences have been because you are never forgotten. Glory!

Psalm 115:12; 112:6
Isaiah 44:21
Hebrews 6:10


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Yielded Vessels - Pastor Ekpenyong

Ezekiel 22:30amp “And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”

God heard the cry of the Israelites and called Moses and said to him come now therefore and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Just like Moses, you are the answer to someone’s prayer. God has been preparing you all these years for a purpose, your journey and experiences along the way are not coincidental.

Stop being unstable in responding to the nudgings of the Spirit. The reason you are afraid is because all you see is yourself; your abilities, weakness and challenges. Change your view and see God’s ability in you.

God needs a channel to reach the world; to preserve humanity in the flood, He found Noah. To save the world from the extremities of famine, He found Joseph. To reach the Gentiles with the Gospel of His Grace, He found Paul. To save the Jews from Haman’s plot, He found Esther.

God works with yielded vessels to do His will on the earth. Your willingness and yieldedness sets you off on the path. Glory!

Check: Exodus 3:1-12, 
Psalm 86:11TLB, 
James 2:22TLB


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Ambassadors Of His Goodness - Pastor Ekpenyong

Acts 10:38GW “You know that God anointed Jesus from Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Jesus went everywhere and did good things, such as healing everyone who was under the devil's power. Jesus did these things because God was with him.”

Every believer has something the world so desperately needs and it is the loving touch of Jesus.

It is a great disservice and robbery when we sit indifferent and watch them die in anguish and hopelessness languishing under the oppression of the devil.

Many wonder why more people are not coming into the Kingdom. After all, we have the truth—the Good News!

Maybe it is because we are waiting for others who are “gifted” to do what we have all been given responsibility and authority to do.

If we could grasp the ramifications of the fact that we have already been commissioned and authorized to go represent the Kingdom, maybe we would have more confidence to release what is already inside of us.

This confidence is not in our ability or good works but in His love and goodness that He so lavishly seeks to express to all.

This is where we come into the equation as His ambassadors; knowing that He is infinitely good and unwilling to see anyone continue one more minute under the turmoil of the devil. Glory!

Check: Acts 3:1-12, Mark 16:17-18, Psalm 82:2-4


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...