Sunday, November 29, 2020

Aroma Of True Christian Compassion - Pastor Ekpenyong

Heb.13:3GNT “Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them. Remember those who are suffering, as though you were suffering as they are.”

The hustle and bustle of a cosmopolitan city as ours could make a person so consumed by his or her needs, expectations and desires that the believer could become a victim of these pressures and forget that we are here as ambassadors of Christ.

We are duty bound to remember our brethren in hostile and not so pleasant climes where their liberties as Christians have been jeopardized and contravened.

The remembrance of those in the prisons and those suffering must be so constant, so burdensome as to make you act. This is indeed the aroma of true Christian compassion.

Become one who is moved by the plight of others to do something to bring relief and comfort; starting from intercession, visits, advocacy to giving relief and defending their cause.

Holding this thought will be such a great motivation in carrying out this divine instruction as we affect and transform our communities with the love of Christ. “As though you were in prison with them” will mean you do for them as you would wish it was done for you if you were in such a position. Glory!

Psalm 82:1-4
1Kings 18:3-13


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