Sunday, May 9, 2021

Receive Beyond Your Comfort Level - Pastor Ekpenyong

Zech.10:1ERV “Pray to the Lord for rain in the springtime. The Lord will send the lightning and the rain will fall, and he will make the plants grow in each person's field.”

It is quite human to feel deserving when you earn from your labour and resourcefulness and somewhat awkward when you receive gifts on a sustained and continuous basis. 

There is the possibility to feel embarrassed and insecure when the gift goes beyond your reasonable comfort level to a level of extravagance because you begin to ask yourself questions like “why me,” “isn’t this too much” etc.

You must understand that God does not hinge His goodness on your piety and therefore, you don’t have a right to turn down or turn off the abundance once its on.

What we must not forget is that it is His goodness that leads us to change the way we think and act. We tend to reverse that verse and live our lives thinking that change leads us to His goodness.

You must learn not to reject His goodness and learn to keep yourself positioned under it. 

When you embrace His grace, you will never be proud or boastful. 


Ephesians 3:20
Romans 2:4
Ephesians 2:8-9


1 comment:

  1. Glory! My receiving capacity is enlarged. Thank you Pst.


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