1Peter 3:10MSG “Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, Here's what you do: Say nothing evil or hurtful.”
It’s really wonderful that a road map for the kind of life we desire has been plainly stated in the word so that it only takes accepting and believing what we see in the word to walk in the reality of God’s intention for us.
Life is calibrated in days, therefore to fill your days and life with good you must rule your speech; say nothing evil or hurtful.
To say nothing hurtful or evil will mean that how you talk to and about people will be with honour and courtesy. Quit saying things about people that portrays them in bad light to others. Don’t take delight in breaking their spirit with your words.
Nobody ever thought that how you talk to people will have a direct effect on your life and day but think of the many misunderstandings, separations and troubles of our lives that have come out of hasty, unwise, unkind and hurtful talk.
When you say evil and hurtful things to others, you are invariably hurting yourself.
Watch the way you talk and consider each word you utter as a gift both to the one who’s listening and most especially to yourself.
Ephesians 4:29
Psalm 141:3
Psalm 34:12-13