Sunday, August 15, 2021

Check Your Measures - Pastor Ekpenyong


Galatians 6:16amp “Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule [who discipline themselves and regulate their lives by this principle], even upon the [true] Israel of God!”

God will do anything you believe Him for. The only reason He has not done more for you is because you have not believed Him for more. All you are and all you have today is the result of what you believed and said in the past.

The way you measure any challenge before you is what determines whether you walk in victory or not. When you measure your problems with respect to CHRIST IN YOU, your situation will look different. 

Giants look big when we measure ourselves by them in the flesh, but when we look at it from CHRIST IN ME perspective; they become just lifts or stair cases to higher levels of glory.

God is greater than the devil. He is greater than the giants that are in the land. He is greater than the enemy we face. He is greater than any power that can come against us. He is greater than any force that can be unleashed upon us.

When you think like that, look at things like that, believe and talk like that, sooner or later, you are going to be on top. 

The Greater One is in you. 


1Samuel 17:20-50
1John 4:4


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