Sunday, January 30, 2022

Fearless Confidence - Pastor Ekpenyong

John 16:33amp “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]”

Despite the distress and uncertainties in today’s world, when you receive the word of God, you are assured, unshakable and deeply at peace. Halleluyah!

This is one major reason the devil constantly attacks everything that has to do with anyone receiving the word.

There is a release of superhuman power at work in those who receive the word indeed for no word from God is without power or impossible of fulfillment.

As you go through new and unfamiliar terrains, or whether you’re facing unpleasant and daring challenges be fearless and confident.

The basis for our fearless confidence is because we know that we won’t be harmed or overcome by them for Jesus has neutralized and nullified their effects.

Therefore cheer up.



Mark 4:13-20


Luke 1:37amp



Future Assured - Pastor Ekpenyong

1Peter 1:4GW “We have been born into a new life which has an inheritance that can't be destroyed or corrupted and can't fade away. That inheritance is kept in heaven for you.”

It is so wonderful to know that despite the tricks and onslaught of the devil and his cohorts, he cannot do anything about your future in Christ.

The second implication of our opening text is that, this inheritance has your name on it because it is kept for you. Yes you!

Don’t ever be deceived into thinking that, somebody faster and smarter than you will take your inheritance as was the case with Jacob and Esau.

Nobody or situation can steal your inheritance away from you for it is reserved for you. Halleluyah!

This shows you the extent of God’s estimation of you and everything that concerns you. Your inheritance is so invaluable that you ought not to lie down in self-pity and depression rather square your shoulders and put a spring in your steps because God’s estimation of you is higher than any honours you will ever be accorded by men.

Therefore, anytime you find yourself wondering what will become of you and your future; remind yourself that you have an inheritance that is not subject to destruction and decay or litigation because it has been reserved for you exclusively.


Genesis 27:18-20
Galatians 3:18
Colossians 1:12


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Terms and Conditions Apply - Pastor Ekpenyong

Phillipians 4:19AMP “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

More people fail when it comes to faith for finances than anything else. The reason is because they're trying to exercise faith for finances, but they haven't planted any seed! They want God to bless their finances even though they haven't planted anything.

The first step toward getting your financial needs met is to believe and obey the Bible. Actually giving starts first by paying the tithe and then the offering. 

Supernatural manifestations often occur for us in the area of finances because we have obeyed God and have sown seed as HE DIRECTS .

God's plan is for us to grow financially as we grow spiritually. 

It's easy to see why God wants us to increase financially at the same rate we increase spiritually. 

He wants us to outgrow our fleshly foolishness so our prosperity will bring us blessing and not harm; for the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

God is committed to prospering you and that is 50% of the equation, the remaining 50% comes from you. 

Stay committed to the truth; putting it first place and see God taking you to realms beyond your wildest dreams. 


Luke 6:38
2Corinthians 9:6
Proverbs 1:32


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Why Wait Until Tomorrow? - Pastor Ekpenyong

Exodus 8:10msg “"Make it tomorrow." Moses said, "Tomorrow it is — so you'll realize that there is no God like our God.”

A person could be so overwhelmed by a challenge that there may be no possibility of change in sight, at least not in the present, which makes people hope that someday-sometime God in His infinite mercy may cause a change.

As noble as this thought, it is rife with unbelief because what we are hoping for in the future can be delivered to you now.

The context of our opening scripture shows Pharaoh besieging Moses to intercede on their behalf that the frogs that God had plagued Egypt with, be evacuated and Moses asked when he wanted it done and Pharaoh said tomorrow.

Who wants to live with a plague for one more night? 

But that’s what happens when we choose to tolerate the mess of the devil hoping that someday God will do something; when He’s done all and given us the authority to function  in His name.

Faith is NOW and insists on taking the delivery of all that is in the package of the new birth now. 

Decide to walk in victory now and you’ll see that the devil cannot resist you. 


John 11:23-26
Exodus 8:8-10
Hebrews 11:1


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Patterned In His Word - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalm 107:20NETB “He sent them an assuring word and healed them; he rescued them from the pits where they were trapped.”

The counsels of God reveal to us the principles and patterns upon which our lives should be found.

The principles reveal the premise upon which the word stands and is summarized in the finished works of Christ through His death, burial and resurrection; the lens by which we view the word and apply the same in our lives.

The patterns reveal to us the mindset we should have so our lives are meaningful and enjoyed here on the earth.

What we see perpetuated is that before God will ever do anything on the earth, He would first speak it.

Which implies that really there aren’t any surprises in God because He always will say what He would do before He does.


Right from the creation in Genesis to the Revelations of John He makes known His intentions before He does anything.

Your life can take on a new meaning when you understand these patterns so that you are comforted that everything God tells you by His word and Spirit will certainly be fulfilled.


Isaiah 55:11
2 Timothy 2:15
1 Corinthians 15:1-20


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...