Sunday, January 16, 2022

Why Wait Until Tomorrow? - Pastor Ekpenyong

Exodus 8:10msg “"Make it tomorrow." Moses said, "Tomorrow it is — so you'll realize that there is no God like our God.”

A person could be so overwhelmed by a challenge that there may be no possibility of change in sight, at least not in the present, which makes people hope that someday-sometime God in His infinite mercy may cause a change.

As noble as this thought, it is rife with unbelief because what we are hoping for in the future can be delivered to you now.

The context of our opening scripture shows Pharaoh besieging Moses to intercede on their behalf that the frogs that God had plagued Egypt with, be evacuated and Moses asked when he wanted it done and Pharaoh said tomorrow.

Who wants to live with a plague for one more night? 

But that’s what happens when we choose to tolerate the mess of the devil hoping that someday God will do something; when He’s done all and given us the authority to function  in His name.

Faith is NOW and insists on taking the delivery of all that is in the package of the new birth now. 

Decide to walk in victory now and you’ll see that the devil cannot resist you. 


John 11:23-26
Exodus 8:8-10
Hebrews 11:1


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