Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Condescending Goodness of Christ - Pastor Ekpenyong

2 Corinthians 8:9amp “For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied).”

Christianity is simply taking your place in Christ as He has taken yours.

It is your choice to take His place, as this is what the Father has made us and made available for us in Christ. Refuse to believe any gospel that tells you otherwise.

It is quite easy to be deceived into thinking that you have to work hard to earn whatever you desire of God, however, that is what it is – deception.

You take your place in Christ by believing, accepting and taking possession of all that’s available for you.

Just as our Lord became poor in one stroke, it’s in the same vein that we became rich. Halleluyah!

Literally thinking about this, is to see how our Father condescended to express His love and kindness.

The more you allow this truth to be at home with you, the better for you. You have been removed from the rat race and a life fraught with uncertainty and brought into the kingdom of His dear son whom He loves.

You may have started out in life with deprivation and scarceness, however, the day you came into Christ is the day you were transported into this life of abundance and provision; a realm of partaking of our inheritance with the saints in light.

Let this life that you now live in Christ be your contemplation and experience.


Colossians 1:12-13
1Corinthians 3:21-23
Acts 20:20-32


Sunday, June 19, 2022

His Plan Is On Course - Pastor Ekpenyong

Romans 8:28NCV We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan.

A purpose driven life is the foundation for grooming disappointments into a robust background of attaining your greatest heights of accomplishment and fulfilment.

A purpose driven life rides on the good, bad and ugly events of life to its advantage.

The purpose driven life is a life of no disadvantages. Halleluyah!

From our text, the basis of this conviction is that God as our partner called us because He had a plan in which He fit us according to His grand design and purpose.

This is what propelled men like Joseph to tell his brothers that though they sold him as a slave for evil, God meant it for good in order to preserve them in the future.

Understand that when your life is on purpose, every situation becomes favourable to you.

It is so because every circumstance no matter how adverse has been ordained to bring good from and for you.

Therefore, quit feeling sorry for yourself and reassure your heart in the Father’s plan and love.

Jer 29:11 AMP
For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.


Genesis 45:5-8
Daniel 3:1-30
Jeremiah 29:11


Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Activity of Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Hebrews 4:10Weymouth “For He who has been admitted to His rest, has rested from His works as God did from His.”

The essence of our new life in Christ will find greater expression when we come into His rest.

This is because this new life can only be lived by faith and rest is the hallmark of true faith.

When you believe, you come into rest.

The point of rest is where you believe God’s word concerning you and your circumstances to the extent that you are not trying to fix it any other way nor are you reminding God about it.

You may want to ask so what do I do if I shouldn’t try to fix it or pray to remind or convince God? You give Him praise.

This is because what so ever God has given you His word for is done.

Until this fact settles in your heart, don’t stop speaking the word that was given to you.

Begin the journey of being at rest in God, you will see how sweet and stressless the life of a believer was designed to be for you have been called into a life of rest.


Hebrews 1:3
Genesis 2:2
Hebrews 4:1-11


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Make Room For His Goodness - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalm 34:8ERV “Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!”

Our Father is good and irreversibly so. This implies that His personal involvement and commitment to us is beyond the rule of law.

Unfortunately, many are judging our good Father based on their experiences and other people's own; whereas it is our responsibility to find out and be persuaded by same.

What we must realise and always remember is that our Father’s goodness was settled over 2022 years ago.

Therefore, it should never really be a question of whether He will do good but how well we are persuaded about His goodness.

Choose to believe in His goodness and His commitment to fulfil every promise He has made to lead and keep you.

You will never be overcomed by the challenges of life because our faithful Father has assured that He will always make a way.

Refuse to be pressured into anxiety, fear and doubt because the Father in His nature will always prepare and equip you for any challenge you will ever encounter.

Make room for the Father and you’ll be shocked beyond your wildest dreams. It is experiencing His goodness that gives you a change of mind.


1 Corinthians 10:13
Exodus 13:17
Romans 2:4


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalms 27:3 MSG  "When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool." GNB ...