Sunday, June 5, 2022

Make Room For His Goodness - Pastor Ekpenyong

Psalm 34:8ERV “Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!”

Our Father is good and irreversibly so. This implies that His personal involvement and commitment to us is beyond the rule of law.

Unfortunately, many are judging our good Father based on their experiences and other people's own; whereas it is our responsibility to find out and be persuaded by same.

What we must realise and always remember is that our Father’s goodness was settled over 2022 years ago.

Therefore, it should never really be a question of whether He will do good but how well we are persuaded about His goodness.

Choose to believe in His goodness and His commitment to fulfil every promise He has made to lead and keep you.

You will never be overcomed by the challenges of life because our faithful Father has assured that He will always make a way.

Refuse to be pressured into anxiety, fear and doubt because the Father in His nature will always prepare and equip you for any challenge you will ever encounter.

Make room for the Father and you’ll be shocked beyond your wildest dreams. It is experiencing His goodness that gives you a change of mind.


1 Corinthians 10:13
Exodus 13:17
Romans 2:4


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