Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Same Stock - Pastor Ekpenyong

Mark 7:37Weymouth 
“The amazement was extreme.”He succeeds in everything he attempts," they exclaimed; "he even makes deaf men hear and dumb men speak!"”

One big lie that the devil has sponsored through the ages and that has been accepted by Christians is that there is a difference between Christ Jesus and Christ in you.

It is on this premise that you find it easier for believers to relate with the woman with the issue of blood who needed to touch the helm of Jesus’ garment than for them to see themselves as one with the One who had His garment touched.

Until you absorb the truth in the scriptures that we are one spirit with the LORD, that as He is so are we in this world, you will perpetually find yourself at loggerheads with us being of the same stock as Him.

The essence of our opening text is not so that we would marvel as did the Jews, but that we see that that account applies also to us today. “we succeed in everything we attempt.”

Accepting this truth will change the way and manner you see and talk about yourself and will change the outcomes of your endeavours; for in truth we are of the same stock.


1 John 4:17
1 Corinthians 6:17
Matthew 9:20-22



  1. As He is so are we in this world. Glory!
    As He is victorious so are we in this world. Glory!

  2. As He is, so am i in this world. Hallelujah.

  3. I absorb the truth in the scriptures that I am one spirit with the LORD. Amen


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

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