Sunday, July 9, 2023

When The Pieces Don't Fit - Pastor Ekpenyong

1 Corinthians 2:9 CEV 
But it is just as the Scriptures say, "What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!”

The amazing thing about God's plan is that it seems like a big puzzle to us. And a puzzle is not a beautiful picture until you take each piece and connect them together.

If you think you have trouble with following God's plan, imagine Father Abraham who at age 75 was asked to leave his comfort zone to get to a promised land that he will be shown only when he got there.

And yes, he got to the promised land only to meet a famine there.

Genesis 12:10 AMP
Now there was a famine in the (promised) land, and Abram went down into Egypt to live temporarily, for the famine in the (promised) land was oppressive (intense and grievous). (emphasis mine).

After famine struck the land, Abraham took a wrong turn, one that took him away from God's path.
The next problem Abraham encountered in the promised land was family feud between him and Lot his nephew, which caused him to settle for leftover, but God BLESSED him beyond His wildest dream.

God may be requiring of you to take a giant leap by faith, take a step at a time as you watch His plans unfold.

For we live by responding to what God has told us, not by what we see with our eyes.

When we take each piece of the puzzle as God hands it to us and obey what He's telling us to do today, He will take care of tomorrow.

The requirements in following God’s plan irrespective of the time zone you live in are - Faith and Patience and the key is Trust.

When the pieces don't fit, God makes the difference. 


2 Corinthians 5:7
Hebrew 6:11-12
Genesis 13:8-12



  1. When the pieces don't fit, God makes the difference, hallelujah!

  2. Thank you Father for making the difference in the journey. Hallelujah!

  3. "When the pieces don't fit, God makes the difference". Glory!

  4. I live, responding to what God has told me.


A New State Of Quiet And Rest - Pastor Ekpenyong

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