Sunday, March 28, 2021

Let Your Soul Prosper In Christ - Pastor Ekpenyong

3 John 2 MSG “We're the best of friends, and I pray for good fortune in everything you do, and for your good health — that your everyday affairs prosper, as well as your soul!”
A lot of believers this day think of prosperity as financial buoyancy alone but our text scripture lets us know that it is not just financial increase but all round increase in every aspect of our lives (financial, health, ministry, relationships etc.)
God wants us to prosper in everything we do and in our everyday affairs in proportion with how well our soul is prospering i.e. our spiritual health which depends on our consistent fellowship with the Father.
You should make your fellowship with the Father a matter of priority because that’s how your soul prospers and your success in life is dependent on how well your soul prospers.
Take a good look at your level of progress in life and see how much your soul prospers.
Do you desire a change? The place to start is in the place of fellowship with the Father; spend time in the word, pray in tongues and then follow it up by doing whatever He instructs you to do.
When next someone asks you for the path of success in life, tell them “let your soul prosper in Christ”. Glory!
Psalm 1:1-3


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