Sunday, April 4, 2021

Praise, Your Victory Costume - Pastor Ekpenyong

1Cor.15:57CEV “But thank God for letting our Lord Jesus Christ give us the victory!”

As believers in Christ, we are forever victorious and we always win. Your victory status cannot be changed or tampered with by any contrary situation or experience. It is a forever settled fact in Christ beyond the reach of change and decay. Halleluyah!

Praise is our standard clothing as are the fatigues of the military and causes us to be recognized in the spiritual and distinguished in the material world.

In our praise is the enemy’s confusion because the expected response of a weary person is complaint but when praise is the response, they are left confused because they wonder what happened at their best efforts to get the believer down.

In our praise is our overcoming, and this so because we are celebrating the outcome as a settled matter in our favour.

Your praise as a costume mighty through God will level every mountain, cause every valley to be filled and move the hand of God in your favour. 


Psalm 22:3
Acts 16:25-26
Isaiah 61:3 


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